
A Summer To Remember

A Summer To Remember
Hey all! Today we started camp here at Chabad Russian Center of S. Florida. Counselors are Fraidy and Esther. All the campers are so great, everyone has so much camp spirit!
We started off with a lesson on Ahavas Yisroel which is loving your fellow Jew, we did a little experiment where we lit all different kind of candles and we saw that although they all look very different on the outside they all have the same exact flame. Just like us, the Jewish people, although we may all look different and have different personalities we each have a Neshama a Jewish spark inside of us that unites us.



Chabad of Hawaii blog

Chabad of Hawaii blog
Welcome to the Chabad of Hawaii blog! Look around, comment, and if you have a good shot of any of the happenings around Chabad, send them in to blog@chabadofhawaii.com! Happy blogging



Welcome to Yekatrinoslav online! Home of the worlds best overnight camp and of the Dnepropetrovsk Yeshiva. This is the official hangout spot for staff, campers and fans. Check back often as new video are always being released. Visit the "help us" page to see how you can contribute to a most worthy cause.


Hershky's blog

Hershky's blog

Well, check out my life and experiences in Hong Kong China! I'm on Shlichus, believe it or not. I'm having a blast also. Feel free to comment and post anything you'd like. Send me an email with your pictures, so that I could post them too. My email address is hershky84@yahoo.ca


the oracle of crown heights - the new york times magazine

By Michael Specter

THEY ARRIVED WITH the rain, early on a winter Sunday, while
most of Brooklyn slept. First hundreds, then thousands appeared.
Pale men with grizzled beards and black fedoras, trailed by wives
and surrounded by children.

As always, the line moved silently along the broad pavements
of Eastern Parkway and into the cavernous synagogue at the corner
of Kingston Avenue. A brilliant red-and-yellow banner snapped
in the gusting winds outside the World Lubavitcher Headquarters:
"Messiah Is on the Way," it proclaimed in Hebrew and
English. "We Want Messiah Now."

For the trembling faithful, here to receive a crisp dollar bill and
a blessing from a regal old man in a double-breasted waistcoat, the
savior already has a name: Menachem Mendel Schneerson, seventh
Rebbe of Lubavitch, the Hasidic oracle of Crown Heights.


The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson by Chabad of Texas


Welcome to Cheder Chabad

Welcome to Cheder Chabad
As in the past, Yeshivas Lubavitch of Toronto is opening its’ doors for Talmidim who wish to join the program for the summer months. The Yeshiva, which continues learning through the summer, has always welcomed bochurim from other Yeshivos who wished to participate in the Yeshivas Kayitz.

Thursday 7 Tamuz 5765, July 14, 2005 until Wednesday 12 Av 5765, August 17, 2005

Lubavich.it - Mash�ach � gia qui! Sei pronto? | We Want Mash�ach Now!

Lets Make The World Better! Together!

Száz éve született a lubavicsi Rebbe - by Rabbi Naftali Kraus


What is AskMoses.com?

AskMoses.com.com is an innovative and vibrant website where one can log-on and get instant advice from a number of qualified men, women and Rabbis who make up the AskMoses.com staff. These staff members operate on AskMoses.com 24 hours a day six days a week. They are available to answer any and all questions posed to them on a variety of issues ranging from simple questions on Jewish Holidays to complex personal issues. AskMoses.com.com has been operational for three years.

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Live! One-on-one. 24/6


Lahak - hanochos in hebrew


Meaningful Life Center

Heichal Menachem - Chassidus . com BOOK STORE - LIBRARY ONLINE AUDIO


Chabad of Beverly Hills with online audio torah classes

Scheinberg Blog

Chabad Education OnLine - Hebrew

Chabad Education OnLine: ברוך בואכם לאתר החינוך, "חינוך און ליין" .
האתר יצא ברוך השם לדרכו מתוך תקוה מלאה להשביע את רצון כל דורשי החומר החינוכי .
נשמח לקבל את הארותיכם/הערותיכם בכל נושא ע"י "צור קשר" בדף הבית.
. החומר יתווסף בהדרגה ובמינון

An Internet Guide to Chabad Literature - (one of the earliest ones on the web)

The Lubavitcher Rebbe - from Sephardic Sages


Anash Information Center.


West Coast Chabad - California

Algemeiner Journal - Yiddish Newspaper Blog


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